Get Involved
70% of American military families reside in civilian communities rather than on military installations. Since service members make up only 1% of the population, however, these communities often have little understanding of the invisible scars returning service members carry, or the complications that prolonged separation creates for the entire family. They therefore find themselves unprepared to provide the kind of support that military families need.
How can you help?
Organize a Screening
With our support, local partners around the country have been holding outreach and engagement screenings of Flat Daddy. We’ve seen these screenings be successful in a variety of ways: by helping to connect military families with each other and with civilian families in their own communities; by facilitating discussion about how a community can best help military families cope with the economic, psychological and emotional hardships created by deployment, which often persist as veterans reintegrate into civilian life; by helping to educate social service providers within a particular community about how best to address those hardships among the families and individuals in their care; and by raising funds to help support organizations that provide assistance locally to military service members, veterans and families.
If you're interested in helping to coordinate a screening of Flat Daddy in your community, e-mail us about how to get started.
Connect With an Organization
Over the course of making Flat Daddy, we have built relationships with many wonderful organizations that provide local and national support for military families. Check out the websites of each of the following groups to learn more about them, and how you can lend a hand in the important work that they do.
National Military Family Association
Founded in 1969, NMFA advocates for benefits and programs that strengthen and protect military families, military spouses, and military kids, and reflect the nation’s respect for their service.
Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors
The Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) is a non-profit organization offering compassionate care, a national peer support network, and connection to grief services free of charge to all those grieving the death of a loved one serving in the U.S. Armed Forces.
Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc.
The Blue Star Mothers of America is a non-partisan, non-political, non-sectarian organization of mothers, stepmothers, grandmothers, foster mothers and female legal guardians who have children serving in the military, guard or reserves, or children who are veterans.
American Gold Star Mothers, Inc.
Established in 1928, American Gold Star Mothers is a Veterans Service Organization made up of mothers who have lost a son or daughter in the service of the country.
Bob Woodruff Foundation
The Bob Woodruff Foundation serves post-9/11 injured service members, veterans and their families by finding, funding, and shaping innovative programs focusing on education and employment, rehabilitation and recovery, and quality of life.
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America
IAVA is a post-9/11 veteran empowerment organization, addressing critical issues facing new veterans and their families, including mental health injuries, a stretched VA system, inadequate health care for female veterans and GI Bill educational benefits.
Military OneSource
Military OneSource is a central hub and online forum for the military community. Service members and their families can browse by topic and gain specific information about benefits, deployments, reintegration, moves, parenthood, retirement and more.
Sesame Street for Military Families
Sesame Street for Military Families is a free, bilingual (English and Spanish) initiative with a range of multimedia outreach tools to help families and their young children cope with the challenges of deployment, homecoming, and the loss of a parent.